Windows keyboard shortcuts

Everyone loves a quick way to get things done in Windows. If a mouse tends to slow you down, then here is a comprehensive list of keyboard commands you can use to accomplish almost any task you would normally use a mouse for.

Power menu Press Windows key + X or right-click Start
Windows + Tab Launch Windows 10 Task View
Windows + Q Search the web and Windows with Cortana (speech)
Windows + S Search the web and Windows with Cortana (keyboard input)
CTRL + SHIFT + ESC Open Task Manager
Alt + underlined menu Open menu or program. Example, to open the Edit menu in WordPad, press Alt then press E on your keyboard. Repeat the same step for the menu you want to open.

General Windows keyboard shortcuts

Access help system in an applicationF1
Activate menu barF10
Close a programAlt + F4
Close current window in Multiple Document interface based programsCTRL + F4
Access right-click menu in the applicationShift + F10
Launch Start menuCtrl + ESC or Windows key
CopyCTRL + C
PasteCTRL + V
UndoCTRL + Z
System PropertiesWindows key + Pause/Break
Bypass auto-play when an external storage device is connectedHold down SHIFT key while inserting a storage device

Desktop, My Computer, and File Explorer

For selected items, you can use the following shortcuts:

SearchCTRL + F or F3
Rename an itemF2
Delete a folder or files permanentlySHIFT + DEL
Access properties of a file or folderALT + ENTER or ALT + double-click
Copy a fileCTRL key while dragging file
Create a shortcutCTRL + SHIFT while dragging file
Select AllCTRL + A
Refresh contents of a windowF5
View the folder one level upBackspace key
Close the selected folder and its parent foldersSHIFT key while clicking the close button
Switch between left and right panesF6

File Explorer commands

Switch between left and right panesF6
Expand all subfolders under the selected folderNUMLOCK + ASTERISK when using a numeric keyboard
Expand the selected folderNUMLOCK + PLUS sign when using a numeric keyboard
Collapse the selected folderNUMLOCK + MINUS sign when using a numeric keyboard
Expand current selection if it’s collapsed, otherwise select first subfolderRight arrow
Collapse current selection if it’s expanded, otherwise, select parent folderLeft arrow

Properties dialog commands

Move forward through optionsTab key
Move backward through optionsSHIFT + Tab
Move forward through tabsCTRL + Tab
Move backward through tabsCTRL + SHIFT + TAB

Open and Save dialog commands

Open the Save In and address barCTRL + O and F4
Open the folder one level up, if a folder is selectedBACKSPACE

Windows 10 Command Prompt keyboard commands

Text Selection

SHIFT + LEFT ARROWMoves the cursor to the left one character, extending the selection
SHIFT + RIGHT ARROWMoves the cursor to the right one character, extending the selection
SHIFT + UP ARROWSelects text up line by line starting from the location of the insertion point
SHIFT + DOWN ARROWExtends text selection down one line, starting at the location of the insertion point
SHIFT + ENDIf cursor is in current line being edited* First time extends selection to the last character in the input line.* Second consecutive press extends selection to the right margin; or else Selects text from the insertion point to the right margin.
SHIFT + HOMEIf cursor is in current line being edited* First time extends selection to the character immediately after the command prompt.* Second consecutive press extends selection to the left margin; or else Extends selection to the left margin.
SHIFT + PAGE DOWNExtends selection down one screen
SHIFT + PAGE UPExtends selection up one screen
CTRL + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROWExtends the selection one word to the right
CTRL + SHIFT + LEFT ARROWExtends the selection one word to the left
CTRL + SHIFT + HOMEExtend selection to the beginning of the screen buffer
CTRL + SHIFT + ENDExtend selection to the end of the screen buffer
CTRL + AIf cursor is in current line being edited (from first typed char to last type char) and line is not empty, and any selection cursor is also within the line being edited Selects all text after the prompt (phase 1); or else Selects the entire buffer (phase 2)

Edit commands

Windows Key + VOpen clipboard history menu
CTRL + VPaste text into the command line
SHIFT + INSPaste text into the command line
CTRL + CCopy selected text to the clipboard
CTRL + INSCopy selected text to the clipboard
CTRL + MEnter “Mark Mode” to move cursor within window
ALTIn conjunction with one of the selection key combinations, begins selection in block mode
ARROW KEYSMove cursor in the direction specified
PAGE KEYSMove cursor by one page in the direction specified
CTRL + HOMEMove cursor to beginning of buffer
CTRL + ENDMove cursor to end of buffer

History navigation keys

CTRL + UP ARROWMoves up one line in the output history
CTRL + DOWN ARROWMoves down one line in the output history
CTRL + PAGE UPMoves up one page in the output history
CTRL + PAGE DOWNMoves down one page in the output history

Additional commands

CTRL + FOpens “Find” in console dialog
ALT + F4Close the console window, of course!